sunnuntai 1. marraskuuta 2015

Rentouttava viikonloppu Hararessa

Mietittiin Sarahin kans, että mentäis viikonlopuks Vumba vuorille Mosambikin rajalle. Ollaan kuultu et se on tosi hieno paikka. Matka sinne olis kuitenkin bussilla kestänyt iäisyyden ja tällä helteellä ei ehkä olis kaikista kivoin viettää aikaa kuumas bussis.

Päätettiin lopulta viettää viikonloppu Hararessa. Ei usein tulla keskustaan Dzivaresekwasta, koska töiden jälkeen tulee nopeasti jo pimeää (vähä kuuden jälkeen), joten olis vähä vaarallista kulkea keskenään combilla. Otettiin siis viikonlopuks hotellihuone keskustasta! Tuntuu ihan lomalta, kun sai nukkua hotellin sängyssä, käydä lämpimäs suihkus mistä vettä tulee paineella, käyttää kunnon nettiyhteyttä, syödä hyvä aamupala ja nauttia auringosta uima-altaalla. 

Uima-altaalla norkoilun jälkeen lähdettiin Sam Levys villageen ostoksille. Ostoskeskus on vissiin kaupungin isoin ja sijaitsee hyvällä Borrowdalen alueella mikä on täydellinen vastakohta Dzivaresekwalle. Hotellin respa yritti ehdottaa, että mentäis sinne taksilla, mutta tokihan me käytetään paikallisisittain combeja. Kun kolmen jälkeen saavuttiin sinne niin kaikki kaupathan oli jo kiinni. Kuinka monessa pääkauungissa suurimman ostoskeskuksen kaupat on sulkenu jo yhdeltä?? Keksittiin toki tekemistä, kun mentiin syömään ja vaan nauttimaan olosta. Tällä alueella saadaan ihan rauhas olla ja kävellä, kun paikka on täynnä valkoisia. Kukaan ei siis huutele meidän perään niin kuin keskusta-alueella ja kotikaduilla. Pidemmän päälle se on nimittäin aika rasittavaa.

Lösin muuten täydellisen ruokakaupan! Rakastan kierrellä ulkomailla aina ruokakaupois katsomas mitä paikallisia ruokia niissä myydään. Tässä Food Lover's Marketis oli vaikka kuinka paljon ihania eksoottisia hedelmiä ja kaikki oli aseteltu hienosti. Tää selvästi on paikallinen Stockmann Herkku;) Aion mennä sinne vie ennen Suomeen lähtöä ja roudata toises matkalaukus kilokaupalla hedelmiä.

Pienet asiat tekee olon rentoutuneeks ja tyytyväiseks, joten ens viikon jaksaa taas tehdä töitä Dzivaresekwas:)
Relaxing weekend in Harare

We were thinking with Sarah to go this weekend to Vumba mountains close to the border of Mozambik. We have heard that it's very nice place! But it would have taken hours to travel by public bus to Mutare and still taking a cab from there to the mountains. Also travelling with this heat wouldn't have been so nice.. 

So then we decided to spend a weekend in Harare. We don't so often come from Dzivaresekwa to Harare because after work it's getting dark quite soon and it would be a bit dangerous totravel by combi in the evening. Now we took a hotel room from the center. Feels really like a holiday! Warm real shower, fast internet conncetion, perfect bed, good breakfast and swimming pool. What else  could we wish!?

Then we wanted to go to Sam Levys village which is a big shopping center in Borrowdale area. A guy from the hotel reception said that we could go there by taxi but of course we want to use local combis. He was very suprised with that. I guess they are not used to that hotel guests travel by combi.. We arrived there after 3 and all the shops were actually already closed. It's funny that this is the capital of Zimbabwe and shops close so early on Saturdays. Well we were anyway very happy just to go to eat and relax. Good food and awesome cakes! The nice thing in this area is that it's full of white people so we are like the others. Nobody is all the time saying hello and how are you. That can be sometimes very annoying when you can't walk in the streets without hearing people screaming to you.

Small things make you happy and now we are ready to go back to home sweet home in the middle of locals:)


Vieras Suomesta

Viikko sitten graduohjaajani Suomesta oli Hararessa visiitillä. Hän yleensä tulee tänne kerran vuodessa auttamaan metsäprojektissa ja antamaan vinkkejä Binduran yliopisto-opiskelijoille. Viikon aikana oli vaikka mitä ohjelmaa ja se menikin todella nopeasti. Sillä viikolla emme ehtineet edes tehdä haastatteluja, joten oli spesiaaliviikko. Kävimme mm. Tupakan tutkimuslaitoksella tutustumassa eucalyptuksen taimikasvatukseen sekä perehtymässä kumipuun vihollisen biologiseen torjuntaan, Binduran yliopistossa tapaamassa varakansleria sekä maatalous- ja ympäristötieteellisen tiedekunnan dekaania, kävelimme ympäri projektialuetta ja tietysti kävimme ulkona syömässä. 

Mukava viikko, jonka jälkeen jaksoi taas tehdä haastatteluja kunnon tahdilla. Saimmekin tällä viikolla tehtyä viimeiset haastattelut, joten nyt olo on helpottunut, koska viimeisen kuukauden aikana ei tarvitse stressata saako kaiken tehtyä ajoissa. Vielä toki tekemistä riittää, kun tarkoitus auttaa metsässä sekä käydä haastattelemassa alan ihmisiä. Mutta nyt vain tuloksia analysoimaan!
Visitor from Finland

One week ago my supervisor from Finland was visiting here in Harare. He normally comes here once a year to help with the forestry project and to give advices for the Bindura students. The week was full of program and I got to see many things. There was even no time for the interviews. We went to the Tobacco Research Station to see how the eucalyptus seedlings area growing and hearing about the biological control of gum trees, Bindura University to meet the vice-chancellor and the dean of the faculty agriculture and envinronmental sciences, walked around the forestry area and of course had nice dinners.  

Nice week and I got energy to do interviews with full power again. We actually finished this week all the interviews so I feel reliefed. Of course I still have many things to do because I'm planning to help in the forest and interview still some people in the companies. But now I can also start to analyze my interviews!

Metsäalueen kyltti/ Sign of the project area

Maissi kasvaa/ Maize growing

Vasemmalla paikallinen viljelijä/ Local farmer in the left

Fox koira kulkee aina mukana/ Fox dog is always where is happening

Kuda keskustelemassa viljelijänaisen kanssa/ Kuda talking with the lady farmer

Joki toimii metsäprojektin rajana/ The river is the boarder of the projecty area

Paikallisia viljelijöitä/ Local farmers

Seppo, Binduran yliopiston varakansleri ja minä, taustalla myös Mugabe/ Seppo, the vice-chancellor of Bimdura university, Mugabe in the backround
Matkalla Binduraan/ On the way to Bindura

Miombo metsä/ Miombo forest
Tupankan tutkimuslaitoksen taimitarhassa/ In the nursery of the Tobacco Research Station

Eucalyptus kasvaa/ Eucalyptus growing

lauantai 31. lokakuuta 2015

 Safari trip on Sunday 25.10.

Seppo took me, Sarah, Tanaka and Evaness to safari park last Sunday. Tanaka is the girl that I'm sponsoring with my friends like I told before and my hometown friends are suporting Evaness. So it was very nice that have these girls in the trip with us. The Safari was very well organised and we saw so many different animals. First we had tea and cake time, in the middle of the day we had lunch next to a lake watching elephants and still an afternoon tea after the trip. We had an opportunity to ride an elephant and feed them. The little girls were very happy but also us olders. Well photos tells more than thousands of words so here are now many photos. The day was unforgettable!

Safari sunnuntaina 25.10.

Seppo lähti mun. Sarahin, Tanakan ja Evanessin kanssa viime sunnuntaina safarille. Tanaka on se tyttö, jota sponssaan kavereideni kans ja mun kotikaupunkikaverit sponssaa Evanessia. Oli tosi kiva, että saatiin nää tytöt myös meidän kans tälle unohtumattamalle reissulle. Safari oli tosi hyvin järjestetty ja meille tarjoiltiin hyvät ruoat päivän aikana järven rannalla elefantteja katsellen. Meillä oli mahdollisuus päästä elefantin selkään ja ruokkia niitä. Tanaka ja Evaness oli innoissaan, mutta myös me vähän vanhemmat. Kuvat kertovat enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa, joten tässä paljon eläinkuvia.

torstai 22. lokakuuta 2015

Visit to an ateljee

Saturday morning was exciting when me and Sarah did our first combi trip alone. We first took a combi to the city where we changed combi. The city is always quite crowded and you never see any other white people there. So normally we get lot of attention there. We took then other combi to Arundel village where we had sooo good breakfast! First cafe latte since Finland! Ah I missed that! We also enjoyed pancakes. What a perfect start into the dayJ Then Larry, a finnish guy who has lived in Harare already many many years, came to pick us up to Patrick Mavro’s ateljee.

As a welcome we immediately met a lovely poison boomslang snake there. It had been having breakfast in their tree where the people caught it then. This snake had a little bird in its stomache which we also saw.. That wasn’t so lovely! Anyway the house was amazing!! I have never seen as beautiful view from a terrace. The house was up in the hill with a beautiful open view to the nature. We got a warm welcome with delicious breakfast before visiting the ateljee. We saw how they do the silver jewelleries from the planning to the final product. All the products were so pretty! Was so wonderful to meet him and see the ateljee.

After we had a quick visit also to the biggest shopping center in Harare. Was a bit different that what I’m used to because the whole shopping area was open and not closed like in Europe. I didn’t even see any same stores that we have in Finland so they haven’t reached this part of the world yet. I have also heard that there is no McDonald’s here. That’s funny!!

We had again a chance to enjoy the Dzikwa Trust cultural group’s show in the afternoon. Wonderful as always! Other wise we had relaxing  weekend at home.

torstai 15. lokakuuta 2015

Weekend trip to Bulawayo and Chipangali

My third weekend here in Zimbabwe I spent out from Harare. We left on Friday morning for our journey with Levita, Nyaradzai, Oili and Seppo. First we drove to Gweru to meet the University students from Dzivaresekwa. We had a bit time to walk around the city and then having ice cream with the students. The city wasn’t big one and there was nothing special to see. But nice anyway to see a new place. Finally arrived to Bulawayo in the afternoon. After a short city tour by car we went to Chipangali. 

Chipangali is a wildlife orphange close to Bulawayo. There are many different animals like lions (18 of them), crocodiles, chakals, different monkeys, cheetahs, leopards, many birds and so on. It’s a private  sanctuary for orphaned abandoned, confiscated or injured wild animals. The place was very nice and the people were doing so good job with the animals. If you ever think to go to an animal place as a volunteer I can recommend this one. Also this time there were 8 volunteers around the world. The owners aren’t doing anything bad for the animals like in some other places. 

 First evening we were just watching the animals and having dinner there. Both nights we stayed in a small idyllic cabin. The next day we had a chance to go to scratch the lions. They were other side of the fence but we could touch them easily. They enjoyed scratching as much as cats as well! That was amazing! But I definitely wouldn’t like to meet lion in the nature, they were big and scary too.. In the afternoon we went to the national history museum. I normally don’t like museums too much but it was very interesting to get to know more about the history of Zimbabwe. Was worth of visit! In the afternoon we had relaxing time with the animals still and I went to see the feeding time of lions and sheep. In the evening I had a chance to go to very fancy dinner to one birthday party of one club. I was the only young one there, most of the others were at least 30 years older than me. But I have noticed duing my trip that it’s always nice to hear stories from people who are older than me. They have seen so much more than me! 

On Sunday we were just driving all day through Zimbabwe. We had only a short visit to one high school where some of our children are studying. It was nice but definitely not the same than the high school where I went. The girls’ toilet was just holes on the floor without even any doors! The students also told that the food that they get in the school is quite simple. They don’t get very much nutrition from that and they get only one fruit per week. On the weekend we drove 1100km so was quite a long journey. But I really enjoyed because I saw so many different kind of nature during the way. Some part of the country was soo dry that even the rivers were completely dry. Huh, water is really needed in that area! Some areas were a bit more green and had hills. Bu teven those areas looked quite dry before the rainy season. I also saw typical small countryside houses close the road. The buildings were round and the roof was made out of hay (or something similar). They looked like the houses I always think when I imagine a typical african village.


10.10. on Saturday was a big Zimbabwean international carnivals. I went there with Sarah who came few days earlier to Zimbabwe as a volunteer. I read somewhere that the carnival is Africa’s biggest street carnival. Our children were performing there as well. We had both the small kids and young adults there. As I have told before their dancing and singing is soo good! And was definitely this time as well. The carnival was at the same time a competition. There were many different groups  even from Brazil, India and around southern Africa who wanted to win the carnival.  And our young one’s won their league and the other group was second. So they were very very good!! Me and Sarah stayed with the older ones many hours in the starting point waiting to start the parade. I can tell that it was a hot day to stand there hours! Thanks to our cultural group’s leader we had the photographer pass so we could then follow parade next to hour group all the way. Other wise it would have been impossible to walk in the grouded streets. I had such an nice day there! 

In the evening I still went with the Finns to one picnic concert. Because it’s so warm and no rain yet it’s very easy to organise outdoor picnics and concerts here. Something I would like to have more in Finland! 

I’m by the way now very happy that I got company to explore Harare and Zimbabwe. With locals you normally can’t do so much because they don’t have any money to go anywhere. During the weekdays I’m now doing always interiews or being in some meetings. Time is going way too fast and I feel that I wanna see more and more this country and get to know the people. Can somebody stop the time??